
Patricia Mitchell

Deputy Chair

Contact details:

Email: [email protected]

Patricia is passionate about outcomes for communities and brings a long and varied experience to the Board table.


Patricia believes driving purpose-led governance through continually raising the standards of leadership is the foundation of innovative and sustainable agencies in Aotearoa New Zealand.


As founder and disruptor of a health-focussed business, a Board Member for a National and Local NGO, and Advisory Chair, Patricia has governance, leadership and community experience at both local and national levels. She also has experience of authentically collaborating with Māori and Pasifika, which has built robust foundations to serve Māori and Pasifika communities under-served by traditionally focussed approaches.


A committed proactive lifelong learner, Patricia has roots as Registered Nurse, holds a Master of Nursing and is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors.

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