Our centres will be closed on 23 & 24 October: For urgent in-person testing across these two days please visit your GP or your local sexual health provider.

From NZAF and Ending HIV NZ to Burnett Foundation Aotearoa

Burnett Foundation Aotearoa (formerly New Zealand AIDS Foundation & Ending HIV NZ) has been at the forefront of the community response to HIV in Aotearoa for nearly 40 years. 


He Aotearoa, kua whakakorengia te whakawhiti i te Whakaruhi Ārai Mate (HIV), kei te ora rawa atu te hunga i pāngia, ka whai mauri ora te hapori takatāpui me te hapori irawhiti.



An Aotearoa with zero HIV transmission, where all people living with HIV thrive, and rainbow and takatāpui communities enjoy great sexual health.


Our Mahi

Our Kaupapa has always been to have a human-centred, science-led, sex-positive approach to public health. Key workstreams of advocacy, education, and support have always been and remain our key pillars. We also acknowledge our commitments to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, to people living with and affected by HIV and to our very environment.  

With the same passion and commitment as those who came before us, Burnett Foundation Aotearoa continues to prevent HIV transmission, combat stigma and maximise the wellbeing of those most affected by HIV.  

We have centres in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington and Ōtautahi Christchurch. We provide HIV and STI testing, counselling, group support and other services at these centres as well as remotely for people anywhere in New Zealand.  


Our community-led behaviour-change marketing encourages prevention and testing by providing information, motivation, and support to overcome barriers.  

We advocate for healthy public policy and supportive environments to enable our work and all our programmes and services are informed by the best available science and evidence.  

As a registered charity, our work is made possible through funding from Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand, passionate trust foundations and donations from generous people who share our vision. 

  • 9,249.00;

    HIV and STI tests

  • 1,000.00;

    Counselling sessions to help people living with or affected by HIV

  • 1,000,000.00;

    People reached with vital HIV prevention information

Aids Foundation Parade

Our History

This organisation’s origins trace back to the early 1980s grassroots response started by brave volunteers who raised awareness of AIDS and support for those living with AIDS.



Our Name

Much like the way we work, our name comes from a brave person who embodied the values you will see below.  

We know we stand on the shoulders of giants. We honour those who came before us, and we step into the future ready to face the new and evolving challenges the communities we serve face. All while holding the values of people like Bruce Burnett, our namesake, who was taken too soon to be able to stand alongside us doing the mahi today.  

Bruce Burnett

Want to know more about Bruce & our name?

Bruce Burnett, one of our co-founders, is one of these heroes. Someone we hope more people will come to know – now that we carry his name. 


Our Values 

Manukura/ Leadership

We have a proud history of being at the forefront of the HIV response in Aotearoa. We act with conviction and inspire change. We are courageous and set audacious goals. We hold ourselves to account.

Mātauranga/ Knowledge

We have a strong commitment to providing evidence-based programmes and services. We are constantly learning and we adapt and innovate for greater impact. We are committed to sharing information with the communities we serve. 

Kotahitanga/ Inclusiveness

We respect and value each other and our communities. We thrive on our diversity and are committed to equality and equity in the work we do. We build and nurture partnerships because we recognise the value in collective strength. 

Tika/ Integrity

We are committed to doing what is right. We act with integrity and stand up for what we believe in. We recognise our duty of care to the communities we serve.   

Aroha/ Compassion

We are empathetic and nurture the wellbeing of the communities we serve. We are humble and always open to listening. We are trustworthy and caring.


Current Strategic Plan

Burnett Foundation Aotearoa (formerly New Zealand AIDS Foundation) is excited to share our 2019-22 strategic plan that outlines the mission, vision and focus of this organisation.


Previous Strategic Plans 

Our past strategic plans outline our purpose, values, and goals across the years.

Strategic plans are developed by the Board and management team in consultation with staff and stakeholders.


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